Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ready to Learn?

The Mastery Connections blog is back! Each post will give you something to think about and something to practice to develop your ability to live masterfully. The next several posts will use some of the Marks of Mastery from the Practice of Processing course.

By the way, if you live in the Knoxville area, make plans to be in the Mastery class that starts on Tuesday, November 23 with Sharon Hoover and Ed Groody teaching.

Now, on with the main course of this post!

What does living masterfully look like?

Readiness to process lifeshocks and learn from them.

"Sometimes life looks like a maze with no exits. The maze is in my head. And there is always a way out." K. Bradford Brown

Practice: The way out begins with noticing that you are caught up in your reaction to a lifeshock (or a series of them!). What is your stand toward your lifeshocks? Are you standing ready to learn from them?

When you notice your reactions, practice identifying the lifeshock.

What happened that you reacted to?
What did you see..hear...smell...taste? What did you touch or what touched you?

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