Saturday, July 12, 2008

Objective, not identified with the results of one's actions.
Marks of Mastery, K. Bradford Brown

Outward circumstances
neither make nor break us,
unless inwardly,
we have identified with them.
Inside Out: Mental Touchstones for the Awakening Spirit, K. Bradford Brown

PRACTICE: This week, remember:
  • "I produce results. I am not my results."
  • "I achieve what I set out to achieve, or I don't. Either way, I remain who I am."
  • "My results are not a commentary on my worth as a human being."

Then breathe, choose and keep moving forward. By not judging, you are free to simply 'observe yourself with interest' and course-correct rather than waste your precious life energy berating yourself. Now that's a relief!

With love, honor and respect.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ability to Self-Remember

Self-remembrance can take many forms. It can look like remembering, honoring, and acknowledging all that has been given to you by your significant relationships: parents, children, siblings, spouses, partners, and teachers. We are who we are in part because of those who raised us, taught us and loved us.

Love trusts itself
to find the right words
without rehearsal
K. Bradford Brown, "Guidelines to Love"

PRACTICE: Write a love letter to one of your beloved --- whether they are alive or have passed. Express all the things they have done for you... gifted you with... and how they have loved you.
Decide what to do with the letter. Whatever you choose, it will be the right choice.
