Monday, February 18, 2008

What does living Masterfully look like?

Courage to go beyond fears and insecurities.

"Fear is nothing to be afraid of.
I made it up."
K. Bradford Brown, Signs of Life: Mental Touchstones
for the Warrior of the Spirit
Take time to reflect, process and discover your pathway beyond the fear to the Truth . . .
  • List any fears you may be feeling about a particular situation, project, or task
  • Write the "to do's" that you're avoiding
  • Notice what you're feeling in your body; breathe and open to a LifeShock
  • Ask yourself: What am I afraid of? What might happen or not happen if I.....? What would it mean about me if ......?
  • Choose a process to clear the untruths; (Authority, Clearing, Disavowal/Avowal)
  • Take your stand AND
  • Identify a choice; commit to an action to take and a way to be from the Truth of who you really are, a courageous human being.
Warrior's slogan: Here be no dragons
Warrior's tonic: Large doses of gratitude
K. Bradford Brown

Monday, February 11, 2008

Where are your feelings?

What does living masterfully look like?

Noticing mindtalk and the negative emotions that result.

"Unexpressed feelings get expressed one way or another."
K. Bradford Brown

Practice: See if you can notice how your unexpressed feelings are being expressed. This list will give you some starting places for your search:

  • Physical dis-ease
  • A lid on your joy, passion, enthusiasm, etc
  • Difficulty in relationships
  • Spiritual disconnection
  • Diminished self-esteem
  • Lack of purpose or direction, spinning your wheels
Note: The More to Life Weekend in Knoxvile is February 15, 16, 17. There is still time for someone you care about to sign up. Knoxville More to Life Center @ 865-588-3553.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

What does living masterfully look like?

Courage to go beyond fear and tell the truth to oneself.

"I lost myself when I made you wrong. I found myself when I noticed I was angry."
K. Bradford Brown

Practice: A big payoff for our resentment is getting to avoid feelings we don't want to experience. Who are you making wrong so that you don't have to feel angry - or scared? Go ahead and tell yourself the truth about what you feel, including the resentment that you've created to avoid feeling fear or anger. You may want to use the Cost Process to do this.