Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What does living masterfully look like?

Development of spiritual disciplines to maintain an awakened state.

Marks of Mastery, K. Bradford Brown

You don't have to do a lot.

You just have to be willing.

The rest falls into place . . .


it doesn't.

Then you continue to be willing.

Inside Out: Mental Touchstones for the Awakening Spirit, K. Bradford Brown


This week, choose a "discipline" that will awaken you from sleep over and over again. Just as your alarm clock in themorning promptsyour shift fromsleep to awakenness, so can you "set" your daily practice to ground you in your awakened sate. Choose whatever form works for you. Some suggestions are:

  • Prayer

  • Meditation

  • Comtemplation of a thing of beauty

  • Three conscious breaths

  • Reading a passage in the Bible, Torah, Koran or other spiritual writing.

Notice any tendency of your mind to believe that a "discipline" has to be difficult or time-consuming. In truth, willingness is all it takes.

With love, honor and respect.

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