Thursday, August 9, 2012

Being committed means re-committing

"'I'm sorry,' said often, easily, and without tears, is a sure sign that we will do the same thing again soon..." K Bradford Brown, Guidelines to Relationships

"Failing, and coming back again,
Failing, and coming back again,
Failing, and coming back again.

This is the rhythm of creation, of being made free to love." K. Bradford Brown, Guidelines to Spirituality

By now, you may have missed the mark on some plans for your new year changes. Instead of just shrugging it off, giving up or beating yourself up, try re-committing. Re-committing means giving your word anew about what you will and will not do. It implies a course-correction.
Practice: This week, when you recommit, instead of beating yourself up for the miss, make plans for how you will keep your word this time and be "made free to love" again.

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