Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Courage to go beyond fears

Look and you will find it --- what is unsought will go undetected

The Art of Mastery is about discerning what you want in your heart of hearts.
Giving voice to what you fear;
Seeking the truth underneath the fear and
Giving vision to what you truly want to create in your life.

As you look back on 2009, what did you want that you didn't create?
Is it something you want to go for again?
How will you be different this time?

As you look forward to 2010, what ONE thing do you want to create for your self, for others, and for the transformation of our world?

See it, name it, seek it....it's there for you to have.

Follow your LifeShocks for They will guide you on your journey.

The Practice of Processing Mastery class is on offer to you as you envision and plan your creation in 2010.

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