Thursday, December 2, 2010

Celebration or Obligation?

"Drudgery is a state of mind, not the task we refuse to enjoy." K. Bradford Brown

Funny how our minds can turn something like a month-long celebration into an endless to-do list, one stress-filled obligation after another. What is your mind telling you about the things you have agreed to do? Which of those things are you doing out of sheer obligation?

Wake up! You can choose what to do and how to be - even during the holidays.

Practice: See what happens when you challenge your mindtalk and simply choose to enjoy something!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Coming alive

"There are no extraordinary moments. Only moments when we come to life...or don't." K. Bradford Brown

At any moment, when you recognize that you have had a lifeshock, you have a choice. You can remember who you are and come to life, or lose your Self in your reaction.

If you want to come to life, the first step is to notice. What are your cues that you are caught up in your reactions?

Hint: notice physical and emotional cues, notice your behavior, listen to your tone of voice, pay attention to what you are thinking and speaking.

Practice coming alive!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Possibilities? Really?

"Resistance is when I am simply unwilling to experience the possibility before me." K. Bradford Brown

The alarm rings, but it's cold outside the covers.
You are asked to take on a new assignment, but you're comfortable doing what you're already doing.
Someone asks you to serve at an especially busy time.
The same kind of stories keep showing up in the news.
The phone rings - again!

And something inside you says, "NO!"
"I can't!"
"I won't."
"I shouldn't."
"I don't have a choice."

Not many options appear through those filters. It's either cave in to something you don't really want, or fight it. Not much choice, but lots of reaction.

What's really true, though? Dealing with your resistance opens up new possibilities for creative choices or for simply being happy.

Practice: Notice what resistance feels like in your body. When your resistance is high, ask yourself what possibility you are missing.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ready to Learn?

The Mastery Connections blog is back! Each post will give you something to think about and something to practice to develop your ability to live masterfully. The next several posts will use some of the Marks of Mastery from the Practice of Processing course.

By the way, if you live in the Knoxville area, make plans to be in the Mastery class that starts on Tuesday, November 23 with Sharon Hoover and Ed Groody teaching.

Now, on with the main course of this post!

What does living masterfully look like?

Readiness to process lifeshocks and learn from them.

"Sometimes life looks like a maze with no exits. The maze is in my head. And there is always a way out." K. Bradford Brown

Practice: The way out begins with noticing that you are caught up in your reaction to a lifeshock (or a series of them!). What is your stand toward your lifeshocks? Are you standing ready to learn from them?

When you notice your reactions, practice identifying the lifeshock.

What happened that you reacted to?
What did you see..hear...smell...taste? What did you touch or what touched you?